Developer Kits

If you are interested in developing Star Mesh compatible designs and content, please drop a notecard in-world to Shahzad Kharg or Starlite Steampunk in Secondlife explaining what type of kit is required. Or simply fill out our online application to the right.

We have developer kits ready to assist you and are always happy to welcome a new designer to the Star Mesh network.

Please use this form to the right to submit your Developer Kit requests and be as thorough as possible with your responses. The more you can tell us about you, the better we can match you with the Dev Kit that’s right for your needs.

Developer Requests:

Whilst it’s not mandatory, we would love to hear a little more about you and your past creations. Below are a few things you could tell us about when submitting your application. We accept most applications so it’s not going to affect our decision if you don’t provide this info. We welcome beginners and experienced designers alike to join our Star Mesh Team!
  • In-world store or a Marketplace URL.
  • Your store’s social media details.
  • Show us some of your original creations.

    Tell us about yourself.

    Please feel free to share as much information about your business and designs as you can. When you have started selling designs for the Star Mesh Body, we would love to include you in our Developer Directory!